If you are driving across the border you must have Mexican Auto insurance coverage on your automobile. Your existing auto insurance policy does not cover travel into Mexico. By obtaining Mexican Auto insurance, you provide your auto with coverage, you gain peace of mind, and you are in compliance with the laws established in Mexico which require drivers to carry Mexican auto insurance.
We provide for our guests traveling into Mexico the ability to purchase your Mexican Auto insurance online. We have partnered with the industry leader in Mexican Auto insurance to bring this service to you. Las Palomas is the best resort in Rocky Point and we want to carry this into everything we do. That is why we partner with the industry leader in Mexican Auto insurance.
There are many benefits to using our Mexican Auto insurance provider. First of all is their world class service and support is among the top in the Mexico Auto insurance industry. We have studied the industry and our Mexican Auto Insurance provider is among the top in claims service satisfaction. They also provide you with different coverage options to fit your needs, and they have competitive rates. Our Mexican Auto insurance carrier makes the sign up process very simple, and easy. We have found that most questions are easily answered while filling out the coverage request form. At the end of the short sign-up, you are able to purchase and print your Mexican Auto insurance policy right there online.
Join in on what many of our guests are already doing, do not forget to get your Mexican Auto insurance policy ONLINE before you leave for Las Palomas. This will save you a stop on the way to the border and will allow you to get to your Las Palomas vacation that much faster.
ADDRESS: Camino a la Choya km 4, Fraccionamiento Costa Diamante, 83550 Puerto Peñasco, Son., Mexico
EMAIL: reservations@sonoranseacondo.com